Males Are Expected to Dominate Family Decision Making in a(N)

Journal of Comparative Family Studies

periodical article

Across Resources and Patriarchy: Marital Construction of Family Controlling Power in Mail-Mao Urban China

Journal of Comparative Family Studies

Published By: Academy of Toronto Press

Journal of Comparative Family Studies

https://world wide web. jstor .org/stable/41604037




Resource theory and the patriarchy perspective maintain that wives have less family decision-making power either due to their lack of valuable resources or the persistence of male authorization civilisation. Nosotros examine a somewhat different blueprint in post-Mao urban Communist china, where wives have fewer resources and exercise more housework only nonetheless have greater family conclusion-making ability than their husbands. Our in-depth interviews of 43 couples in Beijing show that resources-based power utilize is common amongst individualized or incompatible families. All the same, the dominant family arrangement is collectivized, in which the couple shares family resources, denounces equity-oriented exchange, and is guided by relational harmony. Among the couples from collectivized families, household responsibilities are recognized every bit a vital contribution to the family's well-being and thus are a primary source of family conclusion-making power. Male authorisation culture is institute more evident among collectivized than individualized or incompatible couples, only its presence does not seem equally strong as that of household responsibilities regarding family decision-making. La théorie abstraite de ressource et la perspective patriarcale maintiennent que les épouses ont moins de pouvoir de prise de décision familiale due à leur manque de ressources valables ou de la persistance de la civilization de potency masculine. Nous examinons united nations modèle quelque peu différent dans la Chine urbaine pré-Maoiste, où les épouses ont peu de ressources et font plus de travaux domestiques mais néanmoins ont un plus yard pouvoir de prise de décision familiale que leurs maris. Nos entrevues détaillées de 43 couples à Beijing montrent que fifty'utilisation du pouvoir basé sur la ressource commune parmi les familles individualisées ou incompatibles. Cependant, fifty'organisation familiale dominante est collectivisée, dans laquelle le couple partage les ressources familiales, dénonce l'échange d'orientation équité, et est guidée par harmonie relationnelle. Parmi les couples de familles collectivisées, les responsabilités dans le ménage sont reconnues comme une contribution essentielle au bien-être familial et sont ainsi une source première dans le pouvoir de prise de décision familiale. La culture de dominance masculine est trouvée plus évidente parmi les couple collectivisés que ceux individualisés ou incompatibles, mais sa présence ne semble pas être aussi forte que celle des responsabilités dans le ménage concernant la prise de décision familiale. La teoría del recurso y el enfoque patriarcal mantienen que debido a su carencia de recursos y a la persistencia de la cultura masculina dominante, las esposas disponen en el hogar de menor poder en la toma de decisiones familiares. En el presente trabajo, examinamos un patrón algo distinto en la Cathay urbana mail-maoísta, donde las esposas poseen menos recursos y desempeñan la mayor parte de los quehaceres domésticos pero, sin embargo, tienen más poder decisorio en la familia que sus maridos. Nuestra serie de entrevistas exhaustivas a 43 parejas de Beijing muestra que el uso del poder basado en el recurso es común a familias individualizadas o incompatibles. Sin embargo, la organización familiar dominante está colectivizada, y en ella la pareja comparte recursos familiares, denuncia el intercambio basado en la equidad, y va dirigida por relaciones de armonía. Entre las parejas provenientes de familias colectivizadas, las responsabilidades del hogar se consideran como una contribución vital al bienestar familiar y son, por lo tanto, una fuente primaria en el poder decisorio de la familia. La cultura masculina dominante se encuentra con más evidencia entre parejas colectivizadas que en parejas individualizadas o incompatibles, pero su presencia no parece tan fuerte como la de responsabilidades hogareñas en lo que atañen a la toma de decisiones familiares.

Journal Information

JCFS was established in 1970 to publish high quality manufactures based on research in comparative and cross cultural family unit studies. The journal promotes a amend understanding of both intra- and inter-ethnic family interaction that is essential for all multicultural societies. It draws articles from social scientific discipline researchers around the globe and contains valuable material for Sociologists, Anthropologists, Family Counselors and Social Psychologists. JCFS publishes peer-reviewed articles, research notes, and book reviews four times per year.

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Academy of Toronto Press is Canada'south leading academic publisher and one of the largest university presses in Due north America, with particular strengths in the social sciences, humanities, and concern. The Book Publishing Sectionalization is widely recognized in Canada for its strength in history, political science, sociology, Ethnic studies, and cultural studies. Internationally, UTP is a leading publisher of medieval, Renaissance, Italian, Iberian, Slavic, and urban studies, likewise as studies in book and print culture. The Journals Division has been an important part of the Printing since its foundation and has built a strong reputation for excellence in scholarship and innovation in publishing. We piece of work manus-in-hand with world-class authors, editors and scholarly societies to publish 40+ journals in a variety of disciplines, including the humanities, social sciences, and medicine. We are passionate about high-quality content, digital distribution, and the success of scholarly journals and are making major strides frontward in areas such as online peer review systems and multimedia publishing, such equally videos and podcasts. Our goal is to be a leading journal publisher in North America, serving the North American and international academic community with superior journals, exceptional services, and customer-focused employees.


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